讲座题目:When passion is not enough: The importance of construal variability for entrepreneurial success(当激情不足以支撑成功:解释变异性对创业成功的重要性)
主讲人:Prof. Russell E. Johnson Michigan State University
Delivering an effective pitch is a challenging endeavor for passionate entrepreneurs. While entrepreneurial passion encompasses both an affective component—intense positive feelings toward entrepreneurial pursuits—and a conative component—meaningful self-identification with those pursuits—these motivational energies need to be channeled in appropriate ways to sell ideas effectively. Entrepreneurial pitching presents a distinct context where entrepreneurs must navigate competing demands, such as balancing desirability and feasibility, communicating both abstract and concrete ideas, and addressing both long- and short-term goals. Drawing from construal level theory, we propose construal variability—or individual differences in construal level fluctuations over time—as a cognitive construct that equips entrepreneurs with the capability to better manage the complex demands of pitching. Consistent with our central thesis, results from a multiwave field study involving an actual pitch competition demonstrated that construal variability strengthened the positive relationship of entrepreneurial passion with independent ratings of pitch performance. Importantly, the utility of construal variability, entrepreneurial passion, and their interaction remained even after controlling for other established predictors of pitch effectiveness, including cognitive ability, the Big Five personality traits, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and locus of control. I conclude the talk by discussing the implications of construal variability for OB and HR research more broadly.
对于充满激情的创业者而言,进行一次有效的路演是一项充满挑战的任务。创业激情包含两个组成部分——情感成分(对创业追求的强烈正面情感)和意动成分(对这些追求的深刻自我认同)——但要有效推销想法,这些动机能量必须以恰当的方式加以引导。创业路演构成了一个独特的情境,创业者必须在其中平衡诸多竞争性需求,例如在可取性与可行性之间找到平衡、在抽象与具体的表达之间切换,以及同时兼顾长远目标与短期目标。基于解释水平理论(construal level theory),我们提出“解释变异性”这一认知概念——即个体在解释水平随时间变化方面的差异——它能帮助创业者更好地应对路演中的复杂需求。与我们的核心论点一致,通过一项涉及真实路演比赛的多波次实地研究发现,解释变异性强化了创业激情与路演表现(由独立评审打分)之间的正向关系。更重要的是,即便在控制了其他已知的路演效果预测因素(例如认知能力、大五人格特质、创业自我效能感和控制点)之后,解释变异性、创业激情及其交互作用的效用依然显著。最后,我们将讨论解释变异性对组织行为和人力资源研究的更广泛启示。
Russell E. Johnson is the MSU Foundation Professor of Management in the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron in 2006. His research examines the roles of self-regulation, motivation, justice, self-concept, and leadership-based processes that underlie deliberative and automatic work attitudes and behaviors. He has published over one hundred and thirty research articles in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Research Methods, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, and Psychological Bulletin, among others. He is a past Associate Editor at Academy of Management Review and Journal of Applied Psychology. In 2013, Dr. Johnson received the Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award for Science from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and in 2018 he received the Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award from the Organizational Behavior Division of Academy of Management. Originally from Canada, he still dreams of one day playing in the National Hockey League for his hometown Calgary Flames and living in a two-story igloo with an attached garage for his Zamboni.
Russell E. Johnson,密歇根州立大学伊利·布罗德商学院(Eli Broad College of Business)管理学教授,于2006年在阿克伦大学获得工业与组织心理学博士学位。研究重点包括自我管理、动机、公正感、自我概念和基于领导力的过程,这些过程是工作态度和行为(无论是深思熟虑还是自动化反应)的基础。在众多同行评议期刊上发表了130多篇研究文章,期刊包括 Academy of Management Annals、Academy of Management Journal、Academy of Management Review、Journal of Applied Psychology、Journal of Management、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes、Organizational Research Methods、Organization Science、Personnel Psychology 和 Psychological Bulletin 等。曾担任 Academy of Management Review 和 Journal of Applied Psychology 副主编。2013年,Johnson 博士荣获工业与组织心理学学会颁发的“杰出早期职业贡献科学奖”;2018年,他获得了美国管理学会组织行为分会颁发的“Cummings学术成就奖”。